Operation Blackjack Telegraph


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  1. Operation Blackjack Telegraph Book
  2. Operation Blackjack Telegraph
  3. Operation Blackjack Telegraph News
It's fiction. Fiction. There's hundreds of fictional stories about end of the world, terrorism, nuclear wars, govt coverups, yadayada, because thesethings make interesting stories. It's a story, I wish this subject would die already, there's been dozens of ATS threads on this exact subject andthis thread brought nothing new to the table.
Every year it seems this pops back up with people stirring up a frenzy of doom swearing that the dates depicting in the comic are going to come true..then those dates pass, and of course, nothing happens, because it's just a story. Authors are allowed to write about topics which are interestinglike conspiracies, doomsday etc without having to be apart of some 'tptb' conspiracy, just like anyone here who posts about this stuff all day isdoing so because it interests them not because they are part of the illuminati or something. Not everything has to be a conspiracy folks,sorry.
edit on 4-1-2012 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

Operation Blackjack: The Story of Terrorist Nuclear Attacks on Major Western Cities

January 13th, 2009

Update 1/20/2009

I think that this is some sort of viral marketing stunt. I can’t really imagine what the product might be. At best, there can’t be more than a couple of thousand people paying attention to it.

If you’re interested in following this, whatever it is, the thread to watch is here.



This little curiosity comes to us from the Telegraph’s Culture Picture Galleries section.

As of now, there’s an entry called: Operation Blackjack: The Story of Terrorist Nuclear Attacks on Major Western Cities.


On the page, we read: Blackjack – A slide show story. The events portrayed in this slide show are entirely fictitious.

There is no author listed.

I didn’t spend too much time gazing at the chicken entrails, but there were a few howlers that were too good to pass up:

Remember the Kingstar (controlled demolition company) van near the exploded bus on the 7/7 London bomings? That’s what came to mind for me.

Also, the ‘fictitious’ attack occurs during the Summer solstice. What’s the name on the side of the van? New Dawn Presentations. And its logo? That’s right, the Sun.

One other thing: All the cool kids know that the Illuminati are fascinated with Ferris wheels near bodies of water. (Look, don’t blame me, I just work here.)


Take a look at this frame from our little slide show narrative:

Operation Blackjack Telegraph Book

Coincidences and mushroom clouds…

Have a nice day!

Research Credit: TD

Posted in Coincidence?, Elite, False Flag Operations Top Of Page

Operation Blackjack Telegraph

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